Ron Ofri  醫師/博士

Dr. Ron Ofr是以色列耶路撒冷希伯來大學Koret獸醫學院的創始成員。他自1989年畢業後,在美國佛羅里達大學花了4年取得博士學位。Ron Ofri博士專長於視網膜電生理與青光眼所造成的視力功能影響。他畢業後回到以色列母校擔任教職,目前為獸醫眼科教授並得到多次年度最佳教師獎項。在耶路撒冷任教期間的研究包括許多野生動物視力生理學的比較,至今已發表超過60篇論文。Ron Ofri博士同時也是非常受歡迎的國際講師,走訪20多國參與各類繼續教育與學術研討會,包括BSAVAWSAVA、和NAVC。除此之外他自2002年起也在美國獸醫眼科醫學會(ACVO)教授進階的眼科課程。他是著名獸醫眼科聖經Gelatt’s Veterinary OphthalmologySlatter's Fundamentals of Veterinary Ophthalmology的共同作者。他是歐洲獸醫眼科專科醫學會(ECVO)專科醫師,同時擔任過ECVO執行董事,並於2002-2005年擔任ECVO的會長。

Dr. Ron Ofri was a member of the charter class of the Koret School of Veterinary Medicine, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. Upon his graduation in 1989 he traveled to the University of Florida, where he spent the next 4 years undergoing clinical training in veterinary ophthalmology and obtaining his Ph.D. During this time Ron developed an interest in the physiology of vision, focusing on retinal electrophysiology and changes in visual function resulting from glaucoma. Upon his graduation Ron returned to Israel and joined the faculty of his alma mater, where he is currently an Associate Professor in veterinary ophthalmology and winner of numerous Teacher of the Year awards. At the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Ron expanded his research interests to include comparative visual physiology in wildlife species, and to date has published more than 60 refereed papers. Ron is also a very popular international speaker, having been invited to talk in more than 20 countries, in continuing education seminars, national meetings and world congresses for general practitioners, including BSAVA, WSAVA and NAVC. He also lectures frequently in advanced training courses for veterinary ophthalmologists, including lectureship at the Basic Science Course of the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists (where he has been speaking since 2002) and numerous other forums. Ron is a contributing author to the Gelatt's classic textbook Veterinary Ophthalmology (3rd, 4th & 5th editions) as well as a co-author of the popular textbook Slatter's Fundamentals of Veterinary Ophthalmology (4th and 5th editions). Ron is a Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Ophthalmology (ECVO), a former ECVO Executive Board member and in 2002-2005 he served as President of the European Society of Veterinary Ophthalmology.